KOBUS BOTHA WEATHER LONG TERM/ LONG RANGE RAIN AND TEMPERAT URE FORECASTS 1. NEW: Global Tropics Hazards Outlook (GTH)- CLIMATE PREDICTION CENTRE- NOOA- Updated weekly. 2. LONG TERM/ LONG RANGE RAIN AND TEMPERATURE FORECASTS FOR SOUTH AFRICA/AFRICA/NAMIBIA AND GLOBAL UPDATED 14 MARCH 2025 (USUALLY THIRD THURSDAY EVERY MONTH) *isclaimer: please see bottom of this page * Interpretation by this website of pictures below: the huge amount of "white" areas indicate the extremely difficulty for long term forecasts- no forecasts are better than unreliable wrong forecasts- also no news is better than bad news 1. RAIN AFRICA- THREE MONTHS INTERPRETATION: * White colours indicate not enough information/ uncertainty what to forecast.
Upcoming Scheduled Forecasts are on the 3rd Thursday of each month THIS WEBSITE HAS A SPECIAL AGREEMENT WITH THE IRI Full acknowledgement to: The International Research Institute for Climate and Society Copyright ©weatherphotos.co.za DISCLAIMER OF THE WEBSITE OF KOBUS BOTHA * Please note: This business makes no guarantees about and bear no responsibility or liability concerning the accuracy or timeliness of the information published on this website. I also will not be liable for any damage, loss or injury sustained by any person as a result of the information on this website. This is applicable also for website- related items like Twitter, Facebook, publications in papers, radio, TV, lectures and any other information published somewhere in the name of this website. * Possible problems to deliver a continious service: everything possible will be done to deliver a continious service. However there are certain things which might happen totally beyond my control and which may result in a temporary interruption -power failures; severe weather like lightning, tornadoes, flooding, etc; problems with the satellites- this happen several times per year; internet problems; theft; anything else which I could not foresee. * Special importance- beyond my control: load shedding; problems with satellites; internet problems; communication problems- telephone, cellphone, etc.; temporary computer problems; the periods called "eclipses"-usually a couple of days during March and September at about 14h00 SAST. Some update problems might be experienced when I am out of town.